John 13.36-14.14, Dave.
John 13.36-14.14 – Do You Know the Way?
John 13.36-14.14, Tristan.
The first five minutes of this talk are missing, sorry for the inconvenience.
The Destination (13.36-14.4)
The Only Way (14.5-7)
Knowing The Way (14.8-14)
1st Corinthians 15.12-28 – Super Summer Slam Invitation Sunday
1st Corinthians 15.12-28, Tristan.
What happens after we die?
If there’s no resurrection… (15.12-19)
But Christ has been raised! (15.20)
Life in Christ (15.21-28)
John 13.1-35
John 13.1-35, Dave.