1st John 2.28-3.18 – Children of God

Bible passage: 1st John 2.28-3.18
Speaker: Ed
Series: 1 John: Blessed Assurance


1. We are children of God! (1st John 2.28-3.3)

2. Family Likeness:
 a) We stop practicing sin (1st John 3.4-10)
 b) We love one another (1st John 3.11-18)

I am a child of God. God is my Father;
 Heaven is my home; every day is one day nearer;
 My Saviour is my brother; Every Christian is my brother (or sister) too.

1st John 2.3-17 – Obedience, love, and God

Bible passage: 1st John 2.3-17
Speaker: Bryson
Series: 1 John: Blessed Assurance


Little children, love one another

1.0 A reassuring lesson
 a) obeying Jesus shows we know Jesus (1st John 2.3-6)
 b) obeying Jesus’ command to love one another (1st John 2.7-11)

2.0 An affirming list (1st John 2.12-14)

3.0 A challenging instruction (1st John 2.15-17)

1st John 2.3-17 – Obedience, love, and God

Bible passage: 1st John 2.3-17
Speaker: Bryson
Series: 1 John: Blessed Assurance


Little children, love one another

1.0 A reassuring lesson
 a) obeying Jesus shows we know Jesus (1st John 2.3-6)
 b) obeying Jesus’ command to love one another (1st John 2.7-11)

2.0 An affirming list (1st John 2.12-14)

3.0 A challenging instruction (1st John 2.15-17)

1st John 1.5-2.2 – Light from God

Bible passage: 1st John 1.5-2.2
Speaker: Bryson
Series: 1 John: Blessed Assurance



1.0 An illustration (1st John 1.5)
a) goodness
b) guidance

2.0 Three implications
a) “If we claim…” (1st John 1.6-7)
b) “If we claim…” (1st John 1.8-9)
c) “If we claim…” (1st John 1.10)

3.0 An application (1st John 2.1-2)

2019 Growth Challenges