Making Friends for Life – Term Two, 2015


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This term in Church, right across all our services, right across all our Small Groups, we’re focusing a lot on talking and sharing Jesus—technically called evangelism. Evangelism has suffered a lot of bad press in recent decades, whether from the seeming multitude of American ‘televangelists’, with more than a few particularly good at fleecing the vulnerable and gullible in order to keep their jet plane in the air’ or that obnoxious Christian you know who seems to have missed out when they were handing out the social skills, who tries to ram Jesus down throats rather than helping them know God as he really is.

The Bible still is all about how God is saving a people from this lost world. The dust of sin had barely settled and God revealed he was going to do something about it, promising a saviour in Genesis 3.15, who we know eventually was Jesus. Throughout the Old Testament, God used a people, the Israelites to point people to himself. No surprise that with Jesus, he too worked with a people, the disciples. If we know the Lord and his forgiveness, we too get to play a part in his plans to help others know him. Peter says in 1st Peter 2.9, “But you are a chosen people… that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness”. This term is all about being equipped to take this seriously.

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