1st John 1.5-2.2 – Light from God

Bible passage: 1st John 1.5-2.2
Speaker: Bryson
Series: 1 John: Blessed Assurance



1.0 An illustration (1st John 1.5)
a) goodness
b) guidance

2.0 Three implications
a) “If we claim…” (1st John 1.6-7)
b) “If we claim…” (1st John 1.8-9)
c) “If we claim…” (1st John 1.10)

3.0 An application (1st John 2.1-2)

2019 Growth Challenges

1st John 1.1-4 – Life with God

Bible passage: 1st John 1.1-4
Speaker: Bryson
Series: 1 John: Blessed Assurance


Roundabouts and 1st John

1.0 “This we proclaim…” (1st John 1.1-2)
a) the life appeared
b) we have heard and seen

2.0 “so that…” (1st John 1.3)
a) fellowship with us
b) fellowship with God

We write this to make our joy complete. (1st John 1.4)

Christmas According to… Mark

Bible passage: Mark 1.1-13
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Christmas According to the Gospels


Familiarity breeds…

1.0 Great expectations
a) the opening sentence (Mark 1.1)
b) the Old Testament (Mark 1.2-3)
c) John the Baptist (Mark 1.4-8)

2.0 Great unexpectedness
a) Jesus’ baptism (Mark 1.9-11)
b) Jesus’ disappearance (Mark 1.12-13)

3.0 Great greatness

Proverbs 30.1-31.9 – It’s Not What You Know…

Bible passage: Proverbs 30.1-31.9
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Foolproof: Life lessons from the book of Proverbs


A Kmart Christmas

1.0 Agur’s search for wisdom (Proverbs 30:1-4)

2.0 Agur’s finding of wisdom (Proverbs 30:5-6)

3.0 Agur’s lessons from wisdom (Proverbs 30:7-33)

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