Proverbs 10-29 – Wise Words

Bible passage: Proverbs 10-29
Speaker: Tristan
Series: Foolproof: Life lessons from the book of Proverbs


The power of words
 Proverbs 18.21
 Proverbs 12.18
 Proverbs 15.23

Wise words are…
 a) Few
 Proverbs 10.19
 Proverbs 29.20
 Proverbs 11.12
 Proverbs 17.27-28

 b) Honest
 Proverbs 12.22
 Proverbs 20.17
 Proverbs 25.18
 Proverbs 19.5

 c) Loving
 Proverbs 10.11
 Proverbs 15.4
 Proverbs 16.21
 Proverbs 16.24

Where wise words come from

Proverbs 10-29 – The Rhythm of Life

Bible passage: Proverbs 10-29
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Foolproof: Life lessons from the book of Proverbs


Building a house

1.0 The foundation
 Proverbs 14.27
 Proverbs 15.16
 Proverbs 15.33
 Proverbs 19.23

2.0 The framework
 Proverbs 11.1
 Proverbs 16.8
 Proverbs 16.32
 Proverbs 19.5

3.0 The fittings
 Proverbs 14.20
 Proverbs 18.22
 Proverbs 20.14
 Proverbs 22.6

Building a better life

Proverbs 1-9 – Look Who’s Talking

Bible passage: Proverbs 1-9
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Foolproof: Life lessons from the book of Proverbs


Decisions, decisions

1.0 The voice of WISDOM (Proverbs 9.1-12)
a) her invitation
b) our response
c) the outcome

2.0 The voice of FOLLY (Proverbs 9.13-18)
a) her invitation
b) our response
c) the outcome

Decision making and the fear of God

 “I tell you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. But I will show you whom you should fear: Fear him who, after the killing of the body, has power to throw you into hell. Yes, I tell you, fear him.” – Luke 12.4-5

Proverbs 1.1-6 – Wise Up

Bible passage: Proverbs 1.1-6
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Foolproof: Life lessons from the book of Proverbs


Life hacks

1.0 The PURPOSE of Proverbs (Proverbs 1.2-5)
 a) wisdom
 b) discipline
 c) prudence

2.0 The PATTERN of Proverbs (Proverbs 1.6)

3.0 The PERSON of Proverbs (Proverbs 1.1)
 “The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding…” – Isaiah 11.2
 “…for she (the Queen of the South) came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here.” – Matthew 12.42

Acts 25.13-26.32 – The Truth of the Risen Christ

Bible passage: Acts 25.13-26.32
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Acts: Mission Minded


“Choosing your religion”

1.0 The importance of Jesus (Acts 26.1-23)

2.0 The truth of Jesus (Acts 26.25)

3.0 The reasonableness of Jesus (Acts 26.25)

Choosing your religion

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Acts 22.23-25.12 – The Unstoppable Risen Christ

Bible passage: Acts 22.23-25.12
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Acts: Mission Minded


A reassuring promise

1.0 The build up to the promise (Acts 22.23-23.10)

2.0 The making of the promise (Acts 23.11)

3.0 The keeping of the promise (Acts 23.12-25.12)

4.0 The encouragement of the promise

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