Hebrews 12.14-29 – A joyous kingdom

Hebrews 12.14-29, Bryson.

The lights of home
1.0 See to it… (Hebrews 12.15)
 a) Esau (Hebrews 12.16-17)
 b) Mt Sinai (Hebrews 12.18-21)
 c) a joyful assembly (Hebrews 12.22-24)
2.0 See to it… (Hebrews 12.25)
 a) Mt Sinai (Hebrews 12.25-27)
 b) an unshakeable kingdom (Hebrews 12.28-29)
Heading home

Series: Running the Race: Hebrews 11-13

Bible Talks are Back Online!

Thanks for your patience as we refurbish the inside of our building. In the midst of meeting in our hall and then the rearranging of equipment, there were a few weeks where we were unable to record our bible talks. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Bible talks are back online this week. Check them out over on our bible talks page.

Hebrews 12.2-13 – A loving father

Hebrews 12.2-13, Bryson.

When the going gets tough…
1.0 Focus on Jesus (Hebrews 12.2-3)
 a) the perfecter of our faith
 b) the author of our faith
2.0 Focus on God
 a) a loving Father (Hebrews 12.4-6)
 b) a disciplining Father (Hebrews 12.7-13)
Don’t waste your…

Series: Running the Race: Hebrews 11-13

Hebrews 10.19-39 – Persevering for Christ

Hebrews 10.19-39, Bryson.

No one gets left behind
1.0 Therefore…
a) since we have… (Hebrews 10.19-21)
b) …take confidence in God (Hebrews 10.22-23)
c) …take care of each other ((Hebrews 10.24-25)
2.0 The danger if we don’t, the joy if we do (Hebrews 10.26-39)

Series: Simply The Best: Hebrews 1-10

Hebrews 9.1-15 – The Perfection of Christ

Hebrews 9.1-15, Bryson.

How on earth does that work?
1.0 The old way
a) earthy temple (Hebrews9.1-5)
b) animal sacrifices (Hebrews 9.6-10)
2.0 The real way
a) perfect temple (Hebrews 9.11)
b) perfect sacrifice (Hebrews 9.12-15)
… so that we may serve the living God

Series: Simply The Best: Hebrews 1-10