Proverbs 1.1-6 – Wise Up

Bible passage: Proverbs 1.1-6
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Foolproof: Life lessons from the book of Proverbs


Life hacks

1.0 The PURPOSE of Proverbs (Proverbs 1.2-5)
 a) wisdom
 b) discipline
 c) prudence

2.0 The PATTERN of Proverbs (Proverbs 1.6)

3.0 The PERSON of Proverbs (Proverbs 1.1)
 “The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding…” – Isaiah 11.2
 “…for she (the Queen of the South) came from the ends of the earth to listen to Solomon’s wisdom, and now one greater than Solomon is here.” – Matthew 12.42

Acts 20 – The Demands of the Risen Christ

Bible passage: Acts 20
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Acts: Mission Minded


Hernando Cortes

1.0 Farewell to Troas (Acts 20.1-12)

2.0 Farewell to Ephesus
 a) Paul’s commitment (Acts 20.13-24)
 b) the Ephesian’s commitment (Acts 20.25-35)
 c) Jesus’ command (Luke 9.23-24)

Sir Ernest Shackleton

Acts 18.23-20.1 – The Fear of the Risen Christ

Bible passage: Acts 18.23-20.1
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Acts: Mission Minded


Powerful people

1.0 Powerful city (Acts 18.23-28)

2.0 Powerful events

 a) the Holy Spirit (Acts 19.1-7)

 b) the miracles (Acts 19.8-22)

 c) the riot (Acts 19.23-20.1)

Fearing and honouring a powerful Christ

1st Peter 4.12-5.14 – New Hope

Bible passage: 1st Peter 4.12-5.14
Speaker: Tristan
Series: 1st Peter: Stand Firm in Grace


How to stand firm…

 a) Remember your hope (1st Peter 4.12-19)

 b) Remember your help (1st Peter 5.1-5)

 c) Remember your humility (1st Peter 5.6-9)

 d) Remember God himself (1st Peter 5.10-11)

…and stand firm (1st Peter 5.12-14)

1st Peter 3.8-4.11 – New Ways to Suffer

Bible passage: 1st Peter 3.8-4.11
Speaker: Tristan
Series: 1st Peter: Stand Firm in Grace



Bless, don’t repay (1st Peter 3.8-12)

Be prepared, not afraid (1st Peter 3.13-22)

Think like Jesus, not the world (1st Peter 4.1-6)

Pray, don’t panic (1st Peter 4.7-11)

1st Peter 2.11-3.7 – New Ways to Live

Bible passage: 1st Peter 2.11-3.7
Speaker: Tristan
Series: 1st Peter: Stand Firm in Grace


Actions speak louder than words

Live such good lives… (1st Peter 2.11-12)

a) As citizens (1st Peter 2.13-17)

b) As slaves (1st Peter 2.18-20)

c) Like Jesus (1st Peter 2.21-25)

d) As spouses (1st Peter 3.1-7)