Acts 15.35-18.22 – The Delight of the Risen Christ

Bible passage: Acts 15.36-18.22
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Acts 8-18: Mission Unstoppable



Variety is the spice of life

1.0 Jesus’ remarkable directing (Acts 15.36-16.10)

2.0 Jesus’ remarkable collecting
 a) a business woman (Acts 16.11-15)
 b) a slave girl (Acts 16.16-18)
 c) a Roman jailer (Acts 16.19-34)

3.0 Jesus’ remarkable kingdom

Acts 13-14 – The Centrality of the Risen Christ

Bible passage: Acts 13-14
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Acts 8-18: Mission Unstoppable


The travel bug

1.0 The people (13.1-3)

2.0 The places
 a) Cyprus (13.4-12)
 b) Pisidian Antioch (13.13-52)
 c) Iconium, Lystra, Derbe (14.1-24)

3.0 The point (14.26-28)

Acts 11.19-12.25 – The Determination of the Risen Christ

Bible passage: Acts 11.19-12.25
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Acts 8-18: Mission Unstoppable


The championship fight

1.0 The contestants
 a) King Jesus (11.19-29)
 b) King Herod (12.1-4)

2.0 The contest
 a) Round 1 (12.5-19)
 b) Round 2 (12.20-23)

3.0 The champion (12.24-25)

Acts 10.1-11.18 – The Generosity of the Risen Christ

Bible passage: Acts 10.1-11.18
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Acts 8-18: Mission Unstoppable


Gandhi and Jesus

1.0 Peter learns a lesson (Acts 10.1-23)

2.0 Peter shares a lesson (Acts 10.24-48)

3.0 Peter defends a lesson (Acts 11.1-18)

4.0 The lesson and us

Acts 8 – The Kingdom of the Risen Christ

Bible passage: Acts 8
Speaker: Bryson
Series: Acts 8-18: Mission Unstoppable
NOTE: This talk was not recorded, sorry for the inconvenience.


A simple sentence

1.0 Luke’s sentence (Acts 8.5)

 a) the context (Acts 8.1-4)

 b) the consequences
  the Samaritans (Acts 8.6-13)
  the apostles (Acts 8.14)
  the Spirit (Acts 8.15-17)
  Simon (Acts 8.18-25)
  a eunuch (Acts 8.26-40)

2.0 Our sentence

Ruth 2 – Kindness & Provision

Bible passage: Ruth 2
Speaker: Tristan
Series: The Kindness of God in the Book of Ruth


God’s kindness on display

 a) God provides a law (Ruth 2.1-2)

 b) God provides safety (Ruth 2.3-13)

 c) God provides food (Ruth 2.14-16)

 d) God provides a man (Ruth 2.17-23)

God’s kindness on display for us